5 Sep

Comment #1. September 4th, 2010

Chelsea Lancashire. Chapter 1 Reading Notes

I think it is important to see the relationship between PR and organizations/the business world and how without PR, businesses would not be as successful.
The comment about anyone being able to see your comments and ideas in the media is very true. The world is a “global village” that no matter who you are, you can have a say in something somewhere -even if you are a terrorist.
However, reading this post made me realize that communication needs to be used responsibly. Laden used it to persuade and sway -or “SPIN” – when it should have been used to show the truth.

Comment #2 September 13th, 2010

Michaelef’s Blog. Here is the Scoop on Chapter 2

As students who are serious about communications or majoring in some sort of communications field, i think it is important for us to know these 5 reasons for the growth of PR.
These background key facts are the reason why we might have jobs in the future. Not to mention, we could be apart of the next bullet point that also send PR through the roof even more than it already is.
The one key growth that we were apart of was the internet and how it affected PR. We have always known the internet as a main force through technology and a way to communicate quickly, effectively, and on our own terms.

Comment #3 October 3rd, 2010

JAMCARTHUR’s Blog. “Why would anyone want to ban books?”

I participated in some of this activity in Trexler. I loved the idea and noticed some other emotions flooding over me; anger, and misbelief for the most part. The title of this blog post ran through my mind many times. Why would anyone want to try to ban books?
I walked into trexler after a book about Gay Penguins in the Central Park Zoo was read. I did not hear the story, but i wanted to know more about the book so I looked it up myself.
Of course I think this book is banned because it goes against many religious views and the fact that it is a childrens book. Then the anger sat in again. I understand if someone does not like the ideas set in this book. It is probably their belief system…but then again they can choose not to read it or not to read it to their children. Who says when you walk into a library you have to read The Gay Peguins book? Probably nobody.

Comment #4 October 4th, 2010

Sabrina Simpson’s Blog ICS Topics 1

I think you are entirely correct when it comes to ethics. Andrew B definitely did not take ethics into consideration when editing the video.

Also, I agree with your points on the government officials turning on their decision and it made them look foolish. They made a rash decision without checking the facts. Sometimes we need to think…fast response is sometimes good, but many times…holding back and sitting on it for a quick minute might make more sense in some situations…especially this one.

As you said, the truth will come out, and the government could have found the truth out in a matter of seconds if they truly looked for it before making decisions.

Comment #5. October 12th, 2010

LizzieLith’s Blog .Ethics at The Office

First of all…hahaha. This is so funny. I like how the first guy does not really see anything wrong with stealing office supplies. He does not see a link between that and why the company might be doing poorly. He believes it is deeper down the line, with money being spent on administration, and stock options. Although some employees may not see stealing office supplies for their own personal use as wrong, it is. Stealing is in the sentence for a reason. Many ethical problems are all against the law like stealing or using the company’s printer for personal use, or using company computers to play games or look at porn. Most people are more opposed to porn because there is a negative outlook on it; however, they are all wrong.

Comment #6. October 18th, 2010

Michaelef’s Blog. Chapter 6 &7

I like your post because you hit on the main points of what ethics is, and how it is incorporated into the work force. Ethics is the rationale behind how you make decisions; however, I do think it is important to know your company’s code of ethics as well. When you choose a place of work, I am sure you are careful not to work for a company that goes against your values to an extreme; however, you do need to know how your company makes decisions. I think it is important to know this before you choose to apply somewhere, or take a job offer from somewhere, so down the road, you are not caught in a situation where your values are conflicting with the company’s ethics.

Comment #7 October 18th, 2010

V.V. Denman’s Blog. What’s it like to be colorblind?

I think this is awesome. Although is does stink that people have to deal with being colorblind, I am glad you gave people a look into it.

My dad and my boyfriend are both colorblind and I never thought really anything of it. Sometimes my boyfriend will not notice cars break lights and his stops in the car are very delayed, as so are his motions forward after the light turns green. Now I see why after the picture of AFTER colorblind has been in effect. My dad always mixes colors up – more than just red and green and yellow. Now, I will be more courteous when my boyfriend makes a sudden stop or fails to move fast off of a red light, because it cannot be easy to not really see what most everyone else does.

Comment #8. October 18, 2010

Pop Watch’s Blog. “American Idol”, “Glee”, and football top the list of most expensive broadcast T.V. shows for advertising.

First of all, I think it is crazy that advertising time is so expensive, but it also creates competition. I only watch one show on this list, and the commercials are all ususally good ones; but, are also messages about the show you are watching. American Idol will ideally have many commercials about Coke, and Grey’s Anatomy — more about safe family cars and things that women woud pay more attention to. As a consumer of these commercials, while watching these shows, you have to think about how much some company paid to have their product on that time space, and why. The why is the most important. Then make your mind up if you like the product or service or not. Digital Media Literacy.

Comment #9. October 18, 2010

LizzieLith’s BlogThe Prominence, Process, and Publics of PR

There are many definitions of PR and many corporations and companies do many things differently; however, I think it is important that you added how, no matter how we define PR, we need to PERFORM it honestly, and clearly. Using Sharps 5 principles, we can make any company be productive and also be trustworthy which is a building block of success. I do not think a company would succeed if they did not follow those principles to a certain extent.

Comment #10. October 25th, 2010

N.S.L.F’s Blog Cities Setting Age Limits for Trick-or –Treaters.

I love this. I am 20 years old and will admit, I still love the act of trick or treating. I went last year, but I knew it would be my last, because it was my last year as a teenager. Although I would go trick-or-treating, I would still pass out candy when I got home. I kid you not, 30 year old men and women would come to our door. I think that is when I decided I was too old as well. I would ask myself many questions. Do they really like it? Do they want free candy? Who knows, but it looks very awkward. I think it is a good idea to give a community a sense of what age is too old to do this act. Not only for “awkward” purposes, but also because there is a safety issue for little kids who are around much older people. Even in schools, there is a separation of age groups, and a 10 year old walking down the street with a 30 year trick-or-treater would probably violate those same rules.

Comment #11. October 25th, 2010

Tech, Travel and Tuna’s Blog. Beijing, China: The People of IKEA

This makes me wonder why people go into IKEA to sleep. Do they work far away from their homes and go there to get a quick nap during the day? What is even more perplexing is that IKEA allows this to happen so frequently. Not only does is ruin the mood for the people who are shopping, but also it is not very aesthectically pleasing. Or, does IKEA like the in-home feel of this. Since people are utilizing it, does it make it look more usuable? I will have to look into this a little more.

Comment #12. November 5th, 2010

CMSW’s Blog. The Multiple Faces of Media Literacy.

So what is it really? If you are reinterpreting information or putting information out in the open, online… I think if you get your message out, the way you want it to be, in a positive manner, prompt, and by using the right medium, you have a high media literacy as well. If the majority of people you tried to reach understand your message clearly, you probably are media literate.

Comment #13. November 8, 2010

COMPUTERWORLD’S BLOG. Apple iPad turning media upside down.

I think it can only help. The music, T.V. and publishing industry need something new to generate more money because technology is taking over their spaces and allowing people to receive information in other ways.

With the IPAD, I think it will bring people closer to what they are looking at, and people will use it for the reasons they use the Internet, but that means these genres of entertainment need to step it up as well.

Maybe it is not technology’s fault these industries are declining. Maybe it is the industries faults for not stepping up their game as well.

Comment #14. November 8, 2010

Kivi’s Non-Profit Communications Blog.. 7 Tips for E-Mail Subject Lines

This is so helpful. In my last ISC class, we realized that we had to pay attention to subject lines and they are important. They can be the decision of if someone will actually look at your e-mail — especially for business professionals. You want it to be professional, not cheesy, and sound important enough to open first. There are so many people who neglect the subject line. Some people don’t even put anything in the subject line. They leave it blank, and their e-mails will never be read.

Comment #15. November 8, 2010

Sociolinguistics and cmc’s Blog.. CFP: From Face to Facebook: performing (im)politeness in social media environments.

I think managing what you say while using CMC’s is very important. You need to learn how to linguistically form messages that will not be taken the wrong way. This is hard to do because there are no non verbals in CMC. I began realizing this was a problem with texting. I text often and there are often times when someone seems very rude or standoffish, when, really, they are just texting me back and nothing is wrong. I cannot see their face and their non verbals to be able to tell their tone or feelings toward what they are saying. You can only depend on the linguistics.

Comment #16. November 10th, 2010

Jimmy Baker 24’s Blog. National Freedom of Speech Week and How Strategic Communication Intersects with Free Speech?

I think the most important point you made was that, “Within an organization there are some things that need to be prioritized towards the public such as values, ethics, opinions, and privacy.”

Although free speech is a right, some organizations pride themselves on their beliefs and what they want the public to think about them. Therefore, they might be discouraged to find out that an employee is making ethical, including; raciall or gender based, superior type of controversial comments, that offend many other people and put a bad label back on the organization.

Comment #17. November 10th, 2010

Communication Nation’s Blog.. Information Shaddows and Spimes.

What about FaceBook and Twitter? Could these be tracked through time? I wonder because there has to be a record of data somewhere? Or is this not spime because it is not a product. Or is it a service? Facebook and Twitter are used by many people and organizations for PR. There has to be some records somewhere in space and time where data is collected and information on FaceBook is kept. Companies may want to see these records of how FaceBook was used for their company.

Comment #18. November 10th, 2010

The Communication’s Blog. Politeness as a Theory of Relational Development.

This is a very good idea. I believe that social penetration theory touches on this. When you peel back layers of someone, they are more likely to withhold information if they do not feel like they are respected or will not get the same amount of respected information out of you; however, I do think this is a good proposal. Respect, especially in computer mediated websites is important. There should be a theory for people to realize that respect using respectful language, and all of the terms and general rules you laid forth could help and foster for a basis of good communication in the future.

Comment #19. November 10, 2010

SlideRocket’s Blog. 15 Visual Communication Blogs to Inspire Great Presentations.

I think this is very interesting. Especially the very beginning on how we create so much more information in a short amount of time, and it has also changed so fast. It is definitely due to social media, how we receive information and how we want to receive our news. As a generation we want information fast, and we also want more news every chance we get even if we have to search for it. I like all of the suggestions on how to make information appear better in different formats.

Comment #20. November 12, 2010

Charles Beagrie’s Blog. The Case for e-journal archiving: new White Paper.

I think we will need to get there before too long. Libraries cannot afford to be open because of declining numbers. Having these electronic journals will also allow for less space needing to be used. This allows for a library to be in a smaller area (building), and also for libraries to have lower property costs. The world is becoming digital. I am one who loves to hold the newspaper in my hand, which is why I will not download the newspapers to my kindle. It is strictly books; however, I will have to some day when the paper (paper) is no longer offered.

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